Thursday 19 May 2011

James Bulger

Using information drawn from the whole text, produce the opening voiceover to a TV documentary entitled 'Venables and Thompson : Monsters or Children?'. You should adapt the text and write about 300 words. (Spoken; Voiceover; Entertain/Inform; Mass Audience)

Jon Venables.

Robert Thompson.

These two ten year old boys thought that it would be interesting to abduct, torture and murder a two year old boy.

The children refused to admit to their actions and denied it all, however after direct reinsurance from his parents that they ‘loved them’ the boys finally admitted to this horrific murder. Jon told the justice team that Robert instigated the whole situation and he just went along with him.

This documentary will take you in to the thoughts of the boys parents and the ideologies of whether the murderers are ‘Monsters or Children’.

This whole case has bought a whole new level of fear for parents globally especially british citizens.

This fear was emphasised by the age of the boys, they are the youngest murderers. People do not know how to react, whether or not to view the boys as heartless killers, or as ignorant children.

How can two ten year olds have this effect on society? Surely they should be known as monsters?

The parents mentioned that a specific film influenced the actions of Jon and Robert, and therefore they were not entirely to blame.

Are they ‘Monsters or Children’?

No one has the right to take another persons life in any sort of way, nor is it justifiable that two ten year olds felt the need to abduct, torture and murder a two year old boy, despite their age. James Bulgar was completely innocent in the scenario.... so why did the two boys choose to torture him? Monsters?

Commentary : I chose to speak in third person because I wanted the audience to make up there own mind as to whether they are 'Monsters or Children', therefore no personal opinions are within the documentary. Documentaries are mostly factual therefore they do not require personal opinions. The use of the rhetorical questions is used to interact the audience with the documentary, I wanted the audience to feel involved and therefore to make them able enough to make a decision on whether the two boys are 'Monsters or Children'

1 comment:

  1. WWW - Well written piece. Effective commentary.
    EBI - Double check spelling/grammar
