Tuesday 28 September 2010

Homework on Chapter 7 September 27th 2010

Who are the characters?
Offred speaks of her mother and her friend Moira whom she obviously has a lot of things in common with i.e they are of the same age.
Offred's Mum is shown to be a juxtaposition of what a Mum should have been like back then, instead of stying at home with her daughter she goes out and burns pornographic magazines this connotes that Offred's Mum is a feminist- all for women's rights. Moreover her mother is shown to be quite open because she doesn't mind her young daughter seeing all of what was happening.

From what parts are they taken?
When Offred is referring to her mother she is talking about her childhood, this is obvious to us because Offred believed her mother when she said that they were going to the park.
When Offred is referring to Moira she is talking about when she was at college, writing papers, moreover she had to be over 18 because she was going out and drinking.

What do they reveal about Offred's personal history?
It reveals that when Offred was young women were free and they were allowed to do as they pleased i.e burn pornographic magazines. It also shows that Offred might be insecure and she is imagining her childhood memories to gain security, moreover she might be thinking of times when she was happy therefore she is trying to find comfort in her old memories.

Why is she exploring these memories, who is listening to them?
Offred might be exploring her childhood memories because she might be trying to seek comfort or security from them. Moreover I don't think that anyone is listening to her, although she speaks as if someone is there listening, this connotes that she is well educated.

What forms of writing do first person narratives suggest?
The whole idea of Offred speaking in first person connotes that she might be revisited her childhood memories spontaneously, therefore they could be memories that are just coming to her and she is saying them out allowed. She is not writing them down because writing is "forbidden".

Are the memories being written down?
The memories are not being written down because as Offred has stated writing is "forbidden"therefore it is not allowed. the word forbidden connotes that there might be a punishment if they go against the rule.

What tenses are used?
The tenses used are present and past. Past because she is recalling memories from her childhood.

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