Thursday 23 September 2010

September 23rd

Lexicon of terms:
Description and purpose of a verb:
A verb is a doing or a being word and they can be in different tenses=> past, present or future.
Continuous verb: 'ing' words i.e: walking, running.
Modal verbs.
Conditional verbs: i.e: couldn't, shouldn't, wouldn't.
Transitive and intransitive verbs:
Intransitive verbs only have a subject i.e: he runs, she swims, they sleep.
Transitive verbs have a subject and a direct object i.e: she eats an apple.

Analysis of chapters 2-6.

Chapter 2: the quote "white curtains" connote purity and innocence and virginity moreover, this is a juxtaposition of what the handmaids are, the handmaids are not virginal nor pure.
"red" the handmaids wear red denotes love, Passion lust, and sexual activity (fertility), the handmaids wear red because they are fertile therefore, they have periods.
The commander wear black connoting that they are in charge and in control.
The wives wear blue connoting that they are calm.
The Martha's wear greens.
Handmaids wear red.
The econowives wear 3 colours: red, blue and green connoting that they are fertile therefore, they can reproduce and that they are wives to men.
"waste not want not. I am not being wasted. Why do I want?
This quote connotes that the handmaids fertility is not being wasted and the fact that they can have babies is a good thing. It also suggests that the Handmaid is willing to use her fertility to give the family a baby instead of her fertility going to "waste".
If they do not become handmaids they go to colonies, where it is polluted.
The Handmaids have circumstances because they are fertile.
The handmaids names are linked to the commanders names, the commander own the handmaids.

Chapter 3: "Sometimes the maid sits in the garden" the wife enjoys her garden and her own company, moreover a garden is a place where children play and have fun, therefore, the wives may dream and think about when they have children. the wives are possessive, intimidating and they make the handmaids feel uncomfortable and threatened. The wives are territorial.

Chapter 4 "girls are not allowed to talk to men".
The girls look at the floor when men walk past, the men don't whistle nor touch the girls. they lower their head and their "wings" cover their head. this connotes that they are pure and virginal, however they are the opposite.
The handmaids have to go around in twos because they are not trusted to go anywhere on their own because they might try and run away.
they also have rules and regulations of which they have to follow.

Chapter 5: The wives are well respected, and they long to become pregnant.
The society is broken because there are too many choices to be made.

Chapter 6: The handmaids have to follow rules and regulations i.e they are not allow to go on the trains bridges nor rivers. They are not trusted to go anywhere on their own therefore, they have to go everywhere in pairs, they have to walk everywhere, moreover they are known to the whole world and society as being "handmaids".
They are none to have no feelings and they are broken because the wives treat them so badly.
They are frowned upon and they have to do what they at told, in addition they can only go down a few routes. The handmaids lives are structured and very ordered.
**Anarchy: Government controlled.
**Theocracy: God.

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