Within the Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood, we see the institutions of Gilead through the eyes of Offred. The institutions are oppressive to women and they are based on an unyielding and authoritarian class system.
In the Wife of Bath we hear about her life story from her own personal perspective and views. The Wife lacks attractive physical feature and tries to compensate for this flaw by wearing fashionable clothing which she makes her self; moreover, the Wife gets pleasure from looking superior to her peers.The Wife of Bath wears bright red sticking whilst when she foes on Pilgramages, the red denotes a colour and connotes passion, desire, lust and promiscuity. " Hir hosen weren of fyn scarlet red ful striete yteyd, and shoes ful miste and newe". The pre modifier "scarlet: emphasises the shade of red worn, also the whole quote is in thrid person and for that motive someone is
www already this feels more direct and engaged, less descriptive and applied.
ReplyDeleteebi be wary of a rambling structure, something which starts in one place but moves wildly to other places within the same paragraph. You must plan this carefully.