Sunday 14 November 2010

Monologue Homework for 15th November 2010

Discussion between Nick and Serena Joy
Topic: Offred having sex with Nick without the Commander knowing.

Nick: I can't do it, if I get caught I'll get sentenced to death not you Serena. Please find another way, please. I'm sorry but I can't do it, I can't go through with it.

Serena: Nick! You've known me for long enough do not beg and plead with me, my decisions are final. You know that! You are young you'll find a nice girl to marry and to have children with. Do this one thing for me. Actually Nick if not for me do it for Offred! If she doesn't get pregnant soon she will go to the colonies. Is that what you want Nick? Having that hanging over your head! You have to, you haven't got a choice.

Nick: Serena are you trying to guilt trip me? If so it isn't working. Your only a wife, the commander has the final say. Please Serena find another way. I have a choice in this matter, I could tell the commander but I won't because I respect him. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

Serena: And what would you achieve by telling the commander Nick? Nick the commander is my dear husband and he loves me truly and deeply, why would he believe you Nick? Why? (very thoughtfully and determined however intimidatingly) Offred was a way for me to have children and since she hasn't been successful with the commander, you are my other chance. Do you want this hanging over your head? Stopping me from being a Mother?

Nick: Are you that desperate to have children that you are willing to lie and deceive the husband whom supposedly loves you truly and deeply? Why did you pick me Serena? (fidgeting)

Serena: Nick you are in no position to be questioning me or my decisions. You are young and much more able to produce a child, the commander is old, and I want children, NICK listen to me I need children. End of story Nick. You HAVE to do it! (adamantly)

Nick: But I'm not willing to produce a child and not rear it as my own! I'm sorry but please don't make me. (starting to back down)

Serena: (huffs and puffs)

Nick: FINE! (not happy with it but has to do it for the sake of his job and his lively hood)

Commentary: I chose to do this particular conversation because it isn't mentioned in detail in the book. When I read the book I wanted to know more about this conversation.
The above conversation connotes how desperate Serena Joy is to have children, and to what lengths she will go to ensure that Nick goes through with sleeping with Offred.
Moreover Nick is adamant from the start that he will not give in to Serena's bullying, this is made clear through the use of exclamation marks. The exclamation marks are used by both parties, they connote: determination, defiance and expression.
I chose to do this conversation because it shows how desperate Serena is to have children. Within the book we find out that she wants children hence why she has a handmaid, however this conversation enhances that she NEEDS children.
Nick knows that he can only defy Serena for a short period of time; therefore he gives in to Serena's bullying.
Serena uses blackmailing and guilt tripping in order to convince Nick into doing what she says i.e. by mentioning that Offred will go to the colonies makes Nick feel bad, however he shows this to Serena, she will use emotional blackmail even more.

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