Wednesday 10 November 2010

Serena Joy, I have not spoken to you recently, how are you coping? How’s the Handmaid, has she conceived yet? The trouble we women go through to have a child. I have been so busy with the knitting, looking after the house, and so forth I am sure you know what I am talking about.
I was admiring the wonderful green grass and the nice aroma of my flowers, when the handmaid wonders out and tries to talk to me! Seriously what is this world coming to! How dare she even think that she has the right to come into my personal garden space never mind trying to talk to me. We have to be selfish and we can never let our guard down especially not with disgusting handmaids. I know that eventually I will get a child, which I have always desired and dreamed about, but this is hard, watching ‘my’ husband have intercourse with another women makes me feel angry and sick.

You know I am not one to gossip but I heard from another wife that your handmaid tried to escape with her husband and daughter and she were caught, hence the reason for having to become a handmaid.
Is this true Serena Joy?

I did not write to moan about how terrible my life is going, I wrote because I recently heard from other wives that you are a very sophisticated and elegant knitter, what I am trying to say is that will you give me some tips?

Oh and before I forget another one of the wives handmaids is ready to give birth and you are invited to the Birth day, please be ready for when the birth mobile comes to pick you up. I hope that you can make it, we can have a proper catch up then.

Commander Shayne’s wife


  1. WWW - Detailed and gives a good look into the opinions of the wives
    EBI - Maybe could have flowed a bit better

  2. www- the sentences have been structured into different topics of conversation which show how the character interacts with the other wives. Formal language used but shows she is comfortable to talk to serena

    ebi- talked more about her feelings like a heart to heart.. make it longer

  3. www: the letter was well structured and planned out with feelings of the wife towards her handmaid's
    ebi: make it a bit longer

  4. Well thought through and some interesting details.

    Perhaps you can explore other details - is there trust between them or are they competitive?
