Why did you choose English Language and Literature?
I chose Lit and Lang because I wanted to gain a wider knowledge of the whole topic of English.
What do you like/dislike about the subject?
I like planning essays however not writing them. I also enjoy discussing texts because it helps me gain a wider understanding of the texts.
Which texts have you enjoyed studying most?
I have preferred HMT and therefore enjoyed it instead of WOB because I found the WOB's language different and quite challenging. Also I liked the content of Othello because it was interesting and easy to engage with.
What do you think of the mix of discussion and writing on the course?
I prefer having a mix, because I personally learn better through discussions, and hearing other people thought and ideas.
Are you using the blog to help you work outside the classroom?
Yes, to catch up on work and to ensure that I have completed the HWK set.
How do you use the blog to help you develop essays- is there a difference from the way you write?
Although writing on a computer is easier and much faster.
What is your approach to writing essays?
I don't really have an approach to writing essays, but I have started to plan them which has been quite beneficial because i know what to include and where to include it in the essay.
Next term you will be studying Cup Cakes and Kalashnikovs- how do you think you can use the blog and other online features to enrich your study?
Online features would ensure that I got a better understanding of the text. Also I can make a note of questions raised from the book, also what I didn't understand.
Moreover I could comment on every few chapters.
Monday, 13 December 2010
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Monday, 6 December 2010
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Status in society essay plan 2nd December 2010
Compare and contrast the ways in which Atwood in the Handmaids tale and Chaucer in the Wife of Baths Tale explore status in society.
Status: Subjugation of women
Dominance over women in Handmaids tale and dominance over men in The Wife of Baths Tale.
The use of clothing: and the connotations and denotations of them. "Everything except the wings around my face is red: the colour of blood, which defines us." The wife of bath wears red to connotes passion, lust and desirability, however Offred is forced to wear red connoting her fruitfulness.
"black, for the commander, blue, for the commanders wife, and the one assigned to me which is red": Connoting her fruitfulness and that she is a guilty women because she is committing adultery however the wife knows.
"Still, it was a message, and it was in writing, forbidden by that very fact" 62
"Waste not, want not. I am not being wasted. Why do I want?" the use of the auxiliary verb: the cliche that she is comparing herself too. She longs to be free and to be loved. She wants her husband and her daughter back. She is fertile and she is needed by the society of Gilead. She is the object not the subject, she is not being wasted because her fertility is being used to make wealthier families happy.
The colonies where the unwomen go: the use of the coinage it is a made up word used by.
The naming's used the possessive preposition, compounding of the two words connoting possessiveness and owning of an object.
Wife of Bath: She has gone against society by being being so upfront and out there.
She has gone against the patriarchal society of that time
She talks about her private and sexual desires which women of the 14th century would not have done.
The language The Wife uses is not appropriate "I mad hem swinke in bed"
She is talking to a bunch of men, only one women is present and she is a nun and therefore, she is not going to interested in The Wife's prologue and tale due to its explicitness. "Quonian"
Sewing and that she was in a patriarchal society
Religion to boast, used to her advantage, doesn't conform to society and what society asks of her.
In the tale the queen is domineering over the king. Women desire to be the person who is in control in the marriage they require the maistree.
Status: Subjugation of women
Dominance over women in Handmaids tale and dominance over men in The Wife of Baths Tale.
The use of clothing: and the connotations and denotations of them. "Everything except the wings around my face is red: the colour of blood, which defines us." The wife of bath wears red to connotes passion, lust and desirability, however Offred is forced to wear red connoting her fruitfulness.
"black, for the commander, blue, for the commanders wife, and the one assigned to me which is red": Connoting her fruitfulness and that she is a guilty women because she is committing adultery however the wife knows.
"Still, it was a message, and it was in writing, forbidden by that very fact" 62
"Waste not, want not. I am not being wasted. Why do I want?" the use of the auxiliary verb: the cliche that she is comparing herself too. She longs to be free and to be loved. She wants her husband and her daughter back. She is fertile and she is needed by the society of Gilead. She is the object not the subject, she is not being wasted because her fertility is being used to make wealthier families happy.
The colonies where the unwomen go: the use of the coinage it is a made up word used by.
The naming's used the possessive preposition, compounding of the two words connoting possessiveness and owning of an object.
Wife of Bath: She has gone against society by being being so upfront and out there.
She has gone against the patriarchal society of that time
She talks about her private and sexual desires which women of the 14th century would not have done.
The language The Wife uses is not appropriate "I mad hem swinke in bed"
She is talking to a bunch of men, only one women is present and she is a nun and therefore, she is not going to interested in The Wife's prologue and tale due to its explicitness. "Quonian"
Sewing and that she was in a patriarchal society
Religion to boast, used to her advantage, doesn't conform to society and what society asks of her.
In the tale the queen is domineering over the king. Women desire to be the person who is in control in the marriage they require the maistree.
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Chapter 37-39: Subjugation
Subjugation in Chapters 37-39 (Henna and Rosie)
Chapter 37
Within this chapter, Offred describes what she sees including costumes and her surroundings. She also mentions seeing Moira.
"Well, some of them are real pros. Working girls" - The Commander, page 249
The term "girls" connotes that the Commander thinks he's better than these women, making them seem inferior. The idea of "some" of them shows that he's addressing them as a group instead of giving them all their own identity.
"Well, we have quite a collection. That one there, the one in green, she's a sociologist. Or was. That one was a lawyer, that one was in business, an executive position; some sort of fast-food chain or maybe it was hotels." - The commander, page 249
The term "we" gives the impression that the Commander feels he owns these women and they are his possessions. However, the women would rather be there than go to the colonies or be Handmaids, Moira is an example of this. The fact that he knows all of the previous professions of the women at the club shows how often he goes there and that he's important and higher in the hierarchy because he knows about peoples pasts.
Chapter 38
In this chapter, Offred strays from the Commander and goes to speak to Moira in private, which wouldn't have been openly allowed in the Red Centre. Moira describes how she escaped. Moira seems to try to convince and encourage Offred to get herself sent to the club.
"You look like the Whore of Babylon." - Moira, page 254
The term "whore" connotes prostitution. The phrase is ironic because Moira is comparing Offred to a whore when Moira is a prostitute. She seems proud to be in this profession because she can fulfill her sexual desires and will not be condemned for being a lesbian, she tries to convince Offred to join her at the club because she will be 'free'.
"He's my commander" - Offred, page 255
The personal pronoun "my" makes it seem as if the Commander is a possession of Offred, which is a juxtaposition because Offred is essentially his property and if he hadn't taken her to the club, she wouldn't have seen Moira. The sentence as a whole is ironic because she says "He's my Commander" as opposed to "I'm his Handmaid", which makes it seem as if she's proud. Claiming that she's his Handmaid makes her seem inferior to him and less important, like an object. The fact that other women are present when Offred says this, seems as if she's showing off about the fact that she's there with her Commander, because it's as if she's proud of her fertility.
Chapter 39
In this chapter, the Commander takes Offred to a private room and Offred describes the events that occur. She also describes, in great detail, the surroundings while in the room and her feelings, as if remembering the past.
"He shows it to me, slyly. I am to understand." - Offred, page 263
The use of the auxiliary verb "am" in this context is effective because it gives the impression that she's supposed to understand the implication, as opposed to actually understanding fully. The adverb "slyly" connotes that, even in his position of power, the Commander still needs to be careful with his actions and lower himself to the expectations of others. He treats Offred like a sexual object, as if she's nothing more to him than a prostitute, ironic as they are at the club. It is also disrespectful and undermining that he doesn't ask if she will go up to the room with him, he simply shows her the key which is clearly enough to show her that he has made the decision for her.
"He stops at the foot, his fingers encircling the ankle, briefly, like a bracelet, where the tattoo is, a Braille he can read, a cattle-brand. It means ownership." - Offred, page 266
The noun "ownership" connotes that Offred has given into the oppression of Gilead. She accepts that she is a possession of him, contradicting the fact that earlier on in the section she gives the impression that she feels she owns him. The repetition of the personal pronouns "he" and "his" signifies that Offred is not enjoying him touching her, she's too aware and keeps reminding herself that he's the one touching her. The noun "cattle-brand" shows that she feels helpful, as if she's being hunted against her will. The fact that she feels branded shows that she feels that she only belongs to him.
Chapter 37
Within this chapter, Offred describes what she sees including costumes and her surroundings. She also mentions seeing Moira.
"Well, some of them are real pros. Working girls" - The Commander, page 249
The term "girls" connotes that the Commander thinks he's better than these women, making them seem inferior. The idea of "some" of them shows that he's addressing them as a group instead of giving them all their own identity.
"Well, we have quite a collection. That one there, the one in green, she's a sociologist. Or was. That one was a lawyer, that one was in business, an executive position; some sort of fast-food chain or maybe it was hotels." - The commander, page 249
The term "we" gives the impression that the Commander feels he owns these women and they are his possessions. However, the women would rather be there than go to the colonies or be Handmaids, Moira is an example of this. The fact that he knows all of the previous professions of the women at the club shows how often he goes there and that he's important and higher in the hierarchy because he knows about peoples pasts.
Chapter 38
In this chapter, Offred strays from the Commander and goes to speak to Moira in private, which wouldn't have been openly allowed in the Red Centre. Moira describes how she escaped. Moira seems to try to convince and encourage Offred to get herself sent to the club.
"You look like the Whore of Babylon." - Moira, page 254
The term "whore" connotes prostitution. The phrase is ironic because Moira is comparing Offred to a whore when Moira is a prostitute. She seems proud to be in this profession because she can fulfill her sexual desires and will not be condemned for being a lesbian, she tries to convince Offred to join her at the club because she will be 'free'.
"He's my commander" - Offred, page 255
The personal pronoun "my" makes it seem as if the Commander is a possession of Offred, which is a juxtaposition because Offred is essentially his property and if he hadn't taken her to the club, she wouldn't have seen Moira. The sentence as a whole is ironic because she says "He's my Commander" as opposed to "I'm his Handmaid", which makes it seem as if she's proud. Claiming that she's his Handmaid makes her seem inferior to him and less important, like an object. The fact that other women are present when Offred says this, seems as if she's showing off about the fact that she's there with her Commander, because it's as if she's proud of her fertility.
Chapter 39
In this chapter, the Commander takes Offred to a private room and Offred describes the events that occur. She also describes, in great detail, the surroundings while in the room and her feelings, as if remembering the past.
"He shows it to me, slyly. I am to understand." - Offred, page 263
The use of the auxiliary verb "am" in this context is effective because it gives the impression that she's supposed to understand the implication, as opposed to actually understanding fully. The adverb "slyly" connotes that, even in his position of power, the Commander still needs to be careful with his actions and lower himself to the expectations of others. He treats Offred like a sexual object, as if she's nothing more to him than a prostitute, ironic as they are at the club. It is also disrespectful and undermining that he doesn't ask if she will go up to the room with him, he simply shows her the key which is clearly enough to show her that he has made the decision for her.
"He stops at the foot, his fingers encircling the ankle, briefly, like a bracelet, where the tattoo is, a Braille he can read, a cattle-brand. It means ownership." - Offred, page 266
The noun "ownership" connotes that Offred has given into the oppression of Gilead. She accepts that she is a possession of him, contradicting the fact that earlier on in the section she gives the impression that she feels she owns him. The repetition of the personal pronouns "he" and "his" signifies that Offred is not enjoying him touching her, she's too aware and keeps reminding herself that he's the one touching her. The noun "cattle-brand" shows that she feels helpful, as if she's being hunted against her will. The fact that she feels branded shows that she feels that she only belongs to him.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Monologue Homework for 15th November 2010
Discussion between Nick and Serena Joy
Topic: Offred having sex with Nick without the Commander knowing.
Nick: I can't do it, if I get caught I'll get sentenced to death not you Serena. Please find another way, please. I'm sorry but I can't do it, I can't go through with it.
Serena: Nick! You've known me for long enough do not beg and plead with me, my decisions are final. You know that! You are young you'll find a nice girl to marry and to have children with. Do this one thing for me. Actually Nick if not for me do it for Offred! If she doesn't get pregnant soon she will go to the colonies. Is that what you want Nick? Having that hanging over your head! You have to, you haven't got a choice.
Nick: Serena are you trying to guilt trip me? If so it isn't working. Your only a wife, the commander has the final say. Please Serena find another way. I have a choice in this matter, I could tell the commander but I won't because I respect him. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this.
Serena: And what would you achieve by telling the commander Nick? Nick the commander is my dear husband and he loves me truly and deeply, why would he believe you Nick? Why? (very thoughtfully and determined however intimidatingly) Offred was a way for me to have children and since she hasn't been successful with the commander, you are my other chance. Do you want this hanging over your head? Stopping me from being a Mother?
Nick: Are you that desperate to have children that you are willing to lie and deceive the husband whom supposedly loves you truly and deeply? Why did you pick me Serena? (fidgeting)
Serena: Nick you are in no position to be questioning me or my decisions. You are young and much more able to produce a child, the commander is old, and I want children, NICK listen to me I need children. End of story Nick. You HAVE to do it! (adamantly)
Nick: But I'm not willing to produce a child and not rear it as my own! I'm sorry but please don't make me. (starting to back down)
Serena: (huffs and puffs)
Nick: FINE! (not happy with it but has to do it for the sake of his job and his lively hood)
Commentary: I chose to do this particular conversation because it isn't mentioned in detail in the book. When I read the book I wanted to know more about this conversation.
The above conversation connotes how desperate Serena Joy is to have children, and to what lengths she will go to ensure that Nick goes through with sleeping with Offred.
Moreover Nick is adamant from the start that he will not give in to Serena's bullying, this is made clear through the use of exclamation marks. The exclamation marks are used by both parties, they connote: determination, defiance and expression.
I chose to do this conversation because it shows how desperate Serena is to have children. Within the book we find out that she wants children hence why she has a handmaid, however this conversation enhances that she NEEDS children.
Nick knows that he can only defy Serena for a short period of time; therefore he gives in to Serena's bullying.
Serena uses blackmailing and guilt tripping in order to convince Nick into doing what she says i.e. by mentioning that Offred will go to the colonies makes Nick feel bad, however he shows this to Serena, she will use emotional blackmail even more.
Topic: Offred having sex with Nick without the Commander knowing.
Nick: I can't do it, if I get caught I'll get sentenced to death not you Serena. Please find another way, please. I'm sorry but I can't do it, I can't go through with it.
Serena: Nick! You've known me for long enough do not beg and plead with me, my decisions are final. You know that! You are young you'll find a nice girl to marry and to have children with. Do this one thing for me. Actually Nick if not for me do it for Offred! If she doesn't get pregnant soon she will go to the colonies. Is that what you want Nick? Having that hanging over your head! You have to, you haven't got a choice.
Nick: Serena are you trying to guilt trip me? If so it isn't working. Your only a wife, the commander has the final say. Please Serena find another way. I have a choice in this matter, I could tell the commander but I won't because I respect him. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this.
Serena: And what would you achieve by telling the commander Nick? Nick the commander is my dear husband and he loves me truly and deeply, why would he believe you Nick? Why? (very thoughtfully and determined however intimidatingly) Offred was a way for me to have children and since she hasn't been successful with the commander, you are my other chance. Do you want this hanging over your head? Stopping me from being a Mother?
Nick: Are you that desperate to have children that you are willing to lie and deceive the husband whom supposedly loves you truly and deeply? Why did you pick me Serena? (fidgeting)
Serena: Nick you are in no position to be questioning me or my decisions. You are young and much more able to produce a child, the commander is old, and I want children, NICK listen to me I need children. End of story Nick. You HAVE to do it! (adamantly)
Nick: But I'm not willing to produce a child and not rear it as my own! I'm sorry but please don't make me. (starting to back down)
Serena: (huffs and puffs)
Nick: FINE! (not happy with it but has to do it for the sake of his job and his lively hood)
Commentary: I chose to do this particular conversation because it isn't mentioned in detail in the book. When I read the book I wanted to know more about this conversation.
The above conversation connotes how desperate Serena Joy is to have children, and to what lengths she will go to ensure that Nick goes through with sleeping with Offred.
Moreover Nick is adamant from the start that he will not give in to Serena's bullying, this is made clear through the use of exclamation marks. The exclamation marks are used by both parties, they connote: determination, defiance and expression.
I chose to do this conversation because it shows how desperate Serena is to have children. Within the book we find out that she wants children hence why she has a handmaid, however this conversation enhances that she NEEDS children.
Nick knows that he can only defy Serena for a short period of time; therefore he gives in to Serena's bullying.
Serena uses blackmailing and guilt tripping in order to convince Nick into doing what she says i.e. by mentioning that Offred will go to the colonies makes Nick feel bad, however he shows this to Serena, she will use emotional blackmail even more.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Diary entry from Commander
It was late, and I was longing for some company, and then finally she came in.
She must of thought that I wanted sex but all I wanted was company that all. I don't blame her for being weary I would be if I was in her situation.
We played an intellectual game of scrabble, it was fun however, I could sense fear in her. I don't blame her but I'm harmless, it's my obsessive and strong willed wife who she needs to afraid of.
However, I know what I'm doing now, I have to be careful and more secretive to ensure that Serena does not find out.
She must of thought that I wanted sex but all I wanted was company that all. I don't blame her for being weary I would be if I was in her situation.
We played an intellectual game of scrabble, it was fun however, I could sense fear in her. I don't blame her but I'm harmless, it's my obsessive and strong willed wife who she needs to afraid of.
However, I know what I'm doing now, I have to be careful and more secretive to ensure that Serena does not find out.
Shopping List
12 Medium sized white eggs,
2 loaves of brown seeded bread,
One slice of braising steak weighing no more than 5pounds
and 15 slices of white mature cheddar cheese.
2 loaves of brown seeded bread,
One slice of braising steak weighing no more than 5pounds
and 15 slices of white mature cheddar cheese.
Serena Joy, I have not spoken to you recently, how are you coping? How’s the Handmaid, has she conceived yet? The trouble we women go through to have a child. I have been so busy with the knitting, looking after the house, and so forth I am sure you know what I am talking about.
I was admiring the wonderful green grass and the nice aroma of my flowers, when the handmaid wonders out and tries to talk to me! Seriously what is this world coming to! How dare she even think that she has the right to come into my personal garden space never mind trying to talk to me. We have to be selfish and we can never let our guard down especially not with disgusting handmaids. I know that eventually I will get a child, which I have always desired and dreamed about, but this is hard, watching ‘my’ husband have intercourse with another women makes me feel angry and sick.
You know I am not one to gossip but I heard from another wife that your handmaid tried to escape with her husband and daughter and she were caught, hence the reason for having to become a handmaid.
Is this true Serena Joy?
I did not write to moan about how terrible my life is going, I wrote because I recently heard from other wives that you are a very sophisticated and elegant knitter, what I am trying to say is that will you give me some tips?
Oh and before I forget another one of the wives handmaids is ready to give birth and you are invited to the Birth day, please be ready for when the birth mobile comes to pick you up. I hope that you can make it, we can have a proper catch up then.
Commander Shayne’s wife
I was admiring the wonderful green grass and the nice aroma of my flowers, when the handmaid wonders out and tries to talk to me! Seriously what is this world coming to! How dare she even think that she has the right to come into my personal garden space never mind trying to talk to me. We have to be selfish and we can never let our guard down especially not with disgusting handmaids. I know that eventually I will get a child, which I have always desired and dreamed about, but this is hard, watching ‘my’ husband have intercourse with another women makes me feel angry and sick.
You know I am not one to gossip but I heard from another wife that your handmaid tried to escape with her husband and daughter and she were caught, hence the reason for having to become a handmaid.
Is this true Serena Joy?
I did not write to moan about how terrible my life is going, I wrote because I recently heard from other wives that you are a very sophisticated and elegant knitter, what I am trying to say is that will you give me some tips?
Oh and before I forget another one of the wives handmaids is ready to give birth and you are invited to the Birth day, please be ready for when the birth mobile comes to pick you up. I hope that you can make it, we can have a proper catch up then.
Commander Shayne’s wife
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Classwork 4th November 2010
How would you stage the Handmaids tale?
I would have the actual seating area in a semi circle with the open end having "the wall" with bodies hanging".
Costumes would be significant.
There should also be thoughts allowed because this would help tell the narrative.
And at the end of the play there should be hot seating so that the questions that the audience want to ask get answered.
Also the two walks that the Handmaids take everyday should be around the audience, therefore making the audience feel intimidated however also to make them feel involved.
During the flashbacks Offred will go and sit within the audience because she wants to see how happy she was.
There wouldn't be many props only the necessary items.
And there would only be dim lighting apart from when they go outside.
Instead of showing the ceremonies, salvaging, particulations, and explicit scenes there would be Offred as the narrator thinking allowed about it.
The theme of isolation should be clear.
I would have the actual seating area in a semi circle with the open end having "the wall" with bodies hanging".
Costumes would be significant.
There should also be thoughts allowed because this would help tell the narrative.
And at the end of the play there should be hot seating so that the questions that the audience want to ask get answered.
Also the two walks that the Handmaids take everyday should be around the audience, therefore making the audience feel intimidated however also to make them feel involved.
During the flashbacks Offred will go and sit within the audience because she wants to see how happy she was.
There wouldn't be many props only the necessary items.
And there would only be dim lighting apart from when they go outside.
Instead of showing the ceremonies, salvaging, particulations, and explicit scenes there would be Offred as the narrator thinking allowed about it.
The theme of isolation should be clear.
Historical notes in Handmaids tale Classword 4th November 2010
From what the historical say we can gather that the book was not written straight into a book format however it was recorded by Offred. This is quite weird because Offred and the other Handmaids are forbidden to talk and they have no form of communication within their rooms. But Offred could have hid the recorder in her cupboard where the inscription was found "don't let the bastards get to you". The story was recorded over old music tapes, Offred kept songs either side of the tape to ensure if anyone heard it they would think that it was only a tape filled with music.
Offred is an unreliable narrator because she states that she wasn't allowed to talk however she has been doing so via the tape recorder.
Offred is an unreliable narrator because she states that she wasn't allowed to talk however she has been doing so via the tape recorder.
Nick profile due for 4th November
This is Nicks profile:
a. Nick is a guardian however he is also the chauffeur to the commander
b. He is a member of the secret police (an Eye)
c. Nick has an affair with Offred because Serena Joy wants a baby (the commander is unaware of this)
d. Offred thinks shes pregnant via Nick
e. Nick arranges for Offred to escape (breaking the rules of Gilead)
a. Nick is a guardian however he is also the chauffeur to the commander
b. He is a member of the secret police (an Eye)
c. Nick has an affair with Offred because Serena Joy wants a baby (the commander is unaware of this)
d. Offred thinks shes pregnant via Nick
e. Nick arranges for Offred to escape (breaking the rules of Gilead)
Monday, 1 November 2010
Classwork 1st November 2010: Features with evidence from the text
Rank order he features from one to ten, starting with the one that best characterised the novel for you as a reader.
This is a novel:
1. About the exploitation of women
2.Of alienation and unbelonging
3. About male power and conflict (partiarchal society)
4. Exploring political systems (women's bodies are used as political instruments)
5. about loss, e.g of freedom, mothers, children
6.with a strong sense of place and time (only two walks a day)
7. that explores a society based on repressive religious systems
For your top three features, find evidence from the text to support and explain your choices.
1. The exploitation of women:
One of the main features for me within the Handmaids tale is the fact that women are exploited to have children against their will.
The handmaids have no choice but to have sex with the commanders and bear their children, the only other choice is to go to the colonies where diseases are a high risk. The handmaids are made to wear red and only red, the connotation of the colour red are fertility. They handmaids have to follow rules and regulations "no need to use trains".
2. Manipulation and Power in Gilead:
Another feature within the handmaids tale is the presence of manipulation and power. Although the society of Gilead is a theocracy there is no one in charge or at the top of the hierarchy. there is no one for people to turn to because there is no government.
Offred knows that she has power because of her fertility, however she cannot use this to her advantage. Moreover with the relationship with the commander she slowly gains power, however she cannot use this as a strength because the commander will at no extents protect her from his wife (the previous handmaid committed suicide)
She also learns that Handmaids kill themselves in order to gain some final power about how they die.
3. Sexuality:
Lesbians and gays get executed, abortion doctors get executed, they ritualized strange and weird sexual relations which are supposedly supported by the bible?
This is a novel:
1. About the exploitation of women
2.Of alienation and unbelonging
3. About male power and conflict (partiarchal society)
4. Exploring political systems (women's bodies are used as political instruments)
5. about loss, e.g of freedom, mothers, children
6.with a strong sense of place and time (only two walks a day)
7. that explores a society based on repressive religious systems
For your top three features, find evidence from the text to support and explain your choices.
1. The exploitation of women:
One of the main features for me within the Handmaids tale is the fact that women are exploited to have children against their will.
The handmaids have no choice but to have sex with the commanders and bear their children, the only other choice is to go to the colonies where diseases are a high risk. The handmaids are made to wear red and only red, the connotation of the colour red are fertility. They handmaids have to follow rules and regulations "no need to use trains".
2. Manipulation and Power in Gilead:
Another feature within the handmaids tale is the presence of manipulation and power. Although the society of Gilead is a theocracy there is no one in charge or at the top of the hierarchy. there is no one for people to turn to because there is no government.
Offred knows that she has power because of her fertility, however she cannot use this to her advantage. Moreover with the relationship with the commander she slowly gains power, however she cannot use this as a strength because the commander will at no extents protect her from his wife (the previous handmaid committed suicide)
She also learns that Handmaids kill themselves in order to gain some final power about how they die.
3. Sexuality:
Lesbians and gays get executed, abortion doctors get executed, they ritualized strange and weird sexual relations which are supposedly supported by the bible?
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Essay draft due for 4th November 2010
Is Gilead built upon the principle of using womens bodies as political instruments?
The society of Gilead is built upon rules and regulations and the aunts Aunt Lydia mainly enforces these rules and regulations amongst the Handmaids.
In this essay I am going to explore whether the society of Gilead uses womens bodies as instruments, therefore if women are used only to produce children and not for any other uses.
I shall include relevant quotes and I shall analyse them in detail to either agree or disagree with whether womens bodies are used as instruments within the society of Gilead.
Womens bodies are used as a political instrument, they are used to ensure that there is not an economical decline within society. Moreover using womens bodies as instrument allows the hierarchy to stay strict and rigid. Women are recessive to men, men are in control and dominant, and this is made clear via the use of clothing, costume, and naming which gets derogarative the inferior you are. In addition their names connote that they are the commander property and he owns them. to reinforce that the wife and himself have control over the Handmaids when having sex the wife sits behind the Handmaid to ensure that there is no sense of pleasure or enjoyment.
The Handmaids have to wear red,the red connotes that they have periods therefore they are fertile, this make its obvious and clear that womens bodies are used as a political instrument within the society of Gilead.
Although The handmaids have a choice of whether to become handmaids or go to the colonies where they have no life at all, diseases and illnesses roam. Once a handmaids has beared a child for a commander and his wife the handmaid can not be sent to the colonies where the "unwomen" go. this whole idea of unwomen is quite disturbing because how can someone be a women but be one because she cannot bear children anymore, she is an unwomen. (another segregation in society)
Another way in which womens bodies are used as political instruments is that there is minimalistic contact between the handmaids and the rest of society, they are not allowed to talk to people about anything because if they do riots and arguments in society may occur. They cannot go anywhere on their own in case they try to run away, and they are only allowed two walks a day. Moreover the Handmaids are forbidden to write "writing is forbidden here" the word forbidden connotes that they will be a punishment if they go against this rule, and forbidden is such a strong commanding word.
The society of Gilead is built upon rules and regulations and the aunts Aunt Lydia mainly enforces these rules and regulations amongst the Handmaids.
In this essay I am going to explore whether the society of Gilead uses womens bodies as instruments, therefore if women are used only to produce children and not for any other uses.
I shall include relevant quotes and I shall analyse them in detail to either agree or disagree with whether womens bodies are used as instruments within the society of Gilead.
Womens bodies are used as a political instrument, they are used to ensure that there is not an economical decline within society. Moreover using womens bodies as instrument allows the hierarchy to stay strict and rigid. Women are recessive to men, men are in control and dominant, and this is made clear via the use of clothing, costume, and naming which gets derogarative the inferior you are. In addition their names connote that they are the commander property and he owns them. to reinforce that the wife and himself have control over the Handmaids when having sex the wife sits behind the Handmaid to ensure that there is no sense of pleasure or enjoyment.
The Handmaids have to wear red,the red connotes that they have periods therefore they are fertile, this make its obvious and clear that womens bodies are used as a political instrument within the society of Gilead.
Although The handmaids have a choice of whether to become handmaids or go to the colonies where they have no life at all, diseases and illnesses roam. Once a handmaids has beared a child for a commander and his wife the handmaid can not be sent to the colonies where the "unwomen" go. this whole idea of unwomen is quite disturbing because how can someone be a women but be one because she cannot bear children anymore, she is an unwomen. (another segregation in society)
Another way in which womens bodies are used as political instruments is that there is minimalistic contact between the handmaids and the rest of society, they are not allowed to talk to people about anything because if they do riots and arguments in society may occur. They cannot go anywhere on their own in case they try to run away, and they are only allowed two walks a day. Moreover the Handmaids are forbidden to write "writing is forbidden here" the word forbidden connotes that they will be a punishment if they go against this rule, and forbidden is such a strong commanding word.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Essay plan
Is Gilead built upon the principle of using womens bodies as political instruments?
Section 1:
Gilead is built upon rules and regulations: the handmaids are scared to break these rules because they do not want to go to the colonies where the unwomen go. So that they do not break the rules there are 'eyes' that watch what they are doing.
Section 2:
The society of Gilead allows commanders and their wives whom cannot conceive to have a child that is at least half theirs. This is quite controversial as it goes against the Bible and its sayings ' thou shall not commit adultery'.
Section 3: To stop the Handmaids from getting distracted or leaving the commander and his wife they are not allowed to read nor write, the shops have images instead of words for the name, the handmaids are seen to be worthless, they have no names they are refereed to 'as'.
Section 4: Society and the economical decline: The whole point of handmaids is to ensure that the hierarchy with in society is kept in place. Moreover the handmaids are fertile therefore they help the society by giving birth to society. They are used as a tool for economical decline not to occur.
Section 5: Moreover the Handmaids are of a lower status they all have to wear red, the society is split into different segments: The commanders, their wives, the Marthas, the handmaids and the eyes.
Section 6: The Handmaids have to do what they are told, once they have given birth to a child they move on to another family and so on and so forth. This connotes that their lives are and strict and they have a particular regime to their lives.
Section 7: The wives not only have to cope with another women sleeping with their husband for a child she has to be there and she has to watch them have sex. Moreover the whole idea of the wives being present maybe manipulating for the Handmaids.
Section 1:
Gilead is built upon rules and regulations: the handmaids are scared to break these rules because they do not want to go to the colonies where the unwomen go. So that they do not break the rules there are 'eyes' that watch what they are doing.
Section 2:
The society of Gilead allows commanders and their wives whom cannot conceive to have a child that is at least half theirs. This is quite controversial as it goes against the Bible and its sayings ' thou shall not commit adultery'.
Section 3: To stop the Handmaids from getting distracted or leaving the commander and his wife they are not allowed to read nor write, the shops have images instead of words for the name, the handmaids are seen to be worthless, they have no names they are refereed to 'as'.
Section 4: Society and the economical decline: The whole point of handmaids is to ensure that the hierarchy with in society is kept in place. Moreover the handmaids are fertile therefore they help the society by giving birth to society. They are used as a tool for economical decline not to occur.
Section 5: Moreover the Handmaids are of a lower status they all have to wear red, the society is split into different segments: The commanders, their wives, the Marthas, the handmaids and the eyes.
Section 6: The Handmaids have to do what they are told, once they have given birth to a child they move on to another family and so on and so forth. This connotes that their lives are and strict and they have a particular regime to their lives.
Section 7: The wives not only have to cope with another women sleeping with their husband for a child she has to be there and she has to watch them have sex. Moreover the whole idea of the wives being present maybe manipulating for the Handmaids.
Monday, 11 October 2010
11th October 2010 Classwork
Analyse the following passage using A01 techniques:
"I lie in bed, still trembling. You can wet the rim of a glass and run your finger around the rim and it will make a sound. this is what I feel like; this sound of glass. I feel like the word shatter. I want to be with someone".
The use of simile "I feel like the word shatter" connotes that Offred feels like she is word and that word being shatter. The word shatter connotes broken, smashed and in pieces, moreover the word shattered is associated with glass which is see through and clear. In addition this connotes that Offred feels that she has no privacy because she is answerable to everyone, she is undermined, and she is not trusted. When glass is shattered it is sharp, jagged and it can inflict pain, this signifies that one day Offred will shatter and she will inflict pain on the people of her choice.
Offred is also broken because she has lost her husband Luke and her Daughter, and she has no way of finding them. Within the previous chapter Offred had been saying how much she wants Luke back and how much she misses him.
Moreover in the previous chapter Offred has "fucked" the commander, she refuses to call it sex because she does not enjoy it and she has no choice in the matter, she does it because she has too. She used to enjoy having sex with Luke hence why she links the idea of having sex with the commander and having sex with Luke whom she loves whole heartidly.
Offred states what she is doing and where she is doing it, this gives the reader background information.
"I lie in bed" Offred does not call it her bed, she only states in bed which connotes that she does not think that it is her bed.
"I lie in bed, still trembling. You can wet the rim of a glass and run your finger around the rim and it will make a sound. this is what I feel like; this sound of glass. I feel like the word shatter. I want to be with someone".
The use of simile "I feel like the word shatter" connotes that Offred feels like she is word and that word being shatter. The word shatter connotes broken, smashed and in pieces, moreover the word shattered is associated with glass which is see through and clear. In addition this connotes that Offred feels that she has no privacy because she is answerable to everyone, she is undermined, and she is not trusted. When glass is shattered it is sharp, jagged and it can inflict pain, this signifies that one day Offred will shatter and she will inflict pain on the people of her choice.
Offred is also broken because she has lost her husband Luke and her Daughter, and she has no way of finding them. Within the previous chapter Offred had been saying how much she wants Luke back and how much she misses him.
Moreover in the previous chapter Offred has "fucked" the commander, she refuses to call it sex because she does not enjoy it and she has no choice in the matter, she does it because she has too. She used to enjoy having sex with Luke hence why she links the idea of having sex with the commander and having sex with Luke whom she loves whole heartidly.
Offred states what she is doing and where she is doing it, this gives the reader background information.
"I lie in bed" Offred does not call it her bed, she only states in bed which connotes that she does not think that it is her bed.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Handmaids Tale questions
Chapter 1: What are the questions that come to mind when you read chapter 1?
*Why weren't they allowed to talk?
*Why was there a chain link fence?
*Who are the guards?
*Why do the guards have leather belts?
*Why re the people in the gymnasium?
*Why can they only go for two walks?
Chapter 2
Task 2:
What comparison does Offred make to herself and the rag rug?
"There's a rug on the floor, oval, of braided rugs"
"no further use"
This connotes that Offred believes that she has no further use. She is useless like to rug. In adddition rugs are walked all over therefore she thinks that people are walking all over her and there's nothing that she can do about it.
*Why weren't they allowed to talk?
*Why was there a chain link fence?
*Who are the guards?
*Why do the guards have leather belts?
*Why re the people in the gymnasium?
*Why can they only go for two walks?
Chapter 2
Task 2:
What comparison does Offred make to herself and the rag rug?
"There's a rug on the floor, oval, of braided rugs"
"no further use"
This connotes that Offred believes that she has no further use. She is useless like to rug. In adddition rugs are walked all over therefore she thinks that people are walking all over her and there's nothing that she can do about it.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Homework on Chapter 7 September 27th 2010
Who are the characters?
Offred speaks of her mother and her friend Moira whom she obviously has a lot of things in common with i.e they are of the same age.
Offred's Mum is shown to be a juxtaposition of what a Mum should have been like back then, instead of stying at home with her daughter she goes out and burns pornographic magazines this connotes that Offred's Mum is a feminist- all for women's rights. Moreover her mother is shown to be quite open because she doesn't mind her young daughter seeing all of what was happening.
From what parts are they taken?
When Offred is referring to her mother she is talking about her childhood, this is obvious to us because Offred believed her mother when she said that they were going to the park.
When Offred is referring to Moira she is talking about when she was at college, writing papers, moreover she had to be over 18 because she was going out and drinking.
What do they reveal about Offred's personal history?
It reveals that when Offred was young women were free and they were allowed to do as they pleased i.e burn pornographic magazines. It also shows that Offred might be insecure and she is imagining her childhood memories to gain security, moreover she might be thinking of times when she was happy therefore she is trying to find comfort in her old memories.
Why is she exploring these memories, who is listening to them?
Offred might be exploring her childhood memories because she might be trying to seek comfort or security from them. Moreover I don't think that anyone is listening to her, although she speaks as if someone is there listening, this connotes that she is well educated.
What forms of writing do first person narratives suggest?
The whole idea of Offred speaking in first person connotes that she might be revisited her childhood memories spontaneously, therefore they could be memories that are just coming to her and she is saying them out allowed. She is not writing them down because writing is "forbidden".
Are the memories being written down?
The memories are not being written down because as Offred has stated writing is "forbidden"therefore it is not allowed. the word forbidden connotes that there might be a punishment if they go against the rule.
What tenses are used?
The tenses used are present and past. Past because she is recalling memories from her childhood.
Offred speaks of her mother and her friend Moira whom she obviously has a lot of things in common with i.e they are of the same age.
Offred's Mum is shown to be a juxtaposition of what a Mum should have been like back then, instead of stying at home with her daughter she goes out and burns pornographic magazines this connotes that Offred's Mum is a feminist- all for women's rights. Moreover her mother is shown to be quite open because she doesn't mind her young daughter seeing all of what was happening.
From what parts are they taken?
When Offred is referring to her mother she is talking about her childhood, this is obvious to us because Offred believed her mother when she said that they were going to the park.
When Offred is referring to Moira she is talking about when she was at college, writing papers, moreover she had to be over 18 because she was going out and drinking.
What do they reveal about Offred's personal history?
It reveals that when Offred was young women were free and they were allowed to do as they pleased i.e burn pornographic magazines. It also shows that Offred might be insecure and she is imagining her childhood memories to gain security, moreover she might be thinking of times when she was happy therefore she is trying to find comfort in her old memories.
Why is she exploring these memories, who is listening to them?
Offred might be exploring her childhood memories because she might be trying to seek comfort or security from them. Moreover I don't think that anyone is listening to her, although she speaks as if someone is there listening, this connotes that she is well educated.
What forms of writing do first person narratives suggest?
The whole idea of Offred speaking in first person connotes that she might be revisited her childhood memories spontaneously, therefore they could be memories that are just coming to her and she is saying them out allowed. She is not writing them down because writing is "forbidden".
Are the memories being written down?
The memories are not being written down because as Offred has stated writing is "forbidden"therefore it is not allowed. the word forbidden connotes that there might be a punishment if they go against the rule.
What tenses are used?
The tenses used are present and past. Past because she is recalling memories from her childhood.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
September 23rd
Lexicon of terms:
Description and purpose of a verb:
A verb is a doing or a being word and they can be in different tenses=> past, present or future.
Continuous verb: 'ing' words i.e: walking, running.
Modal verbs.
Conditional verbs: i.e: couldn't, shouldn't, wouldn't.
Transitive and intransitive verbs:
Intransitive verbs only have a subject i.e: he runs, she swims, they sleep.
Transitive verbs have a subject and a direct object i.e: she eats an apple.
Analysis of chapters 2-6.
Chapter 2: the quote "white curtains" connote purity and innocence and virginity moreover, this is a juxtaposition of what the handmaids are, the handmaids are not virginal nor pure.
"red" the handmaids wear red denotes love, Passion lust, and sexual activity (fertility), the handmaids wear red because they are fertile therefore, they have periods.
The commander wear black connoting that they are in charge and in control.
The wives wear blue connoting that they are calm.
The Martha's wear greens.
Handmaids wear red.
The econowives wear 3 colours: red, blue and green connoting that they are fertile therefore, they can reproduce and that they are wives to men.
"waste not want not. I am not being wasted. Why do I want?
This quote connotes that the handmaids fertility is not being wasted and the fact that they can have babies is a good thing. It also suggests that the Handmaid is willing to use her fertility to give the family a baby instead of her fertility going to "waste".
If they do not become handmaids they go to colonies, where it is polluted.
The Handmaids have circumstances because they are fertile.
The handmaids names are linked to the commanders names, the commander own the handmaids.
Chapter 3: "Sometimes the maid sits in the garden" the wife enjoys her garden and her own company, moreover a garden is a place where children play and have fun, therefore, the wives may dream and think about when they have children. the wives are possessive, intimidating and they make the handmaids feel uncomfortable and threatened. The wives are territorial.
Chapter 4 "girls are not allowed to talk to men".
The girls look at the floor when men walk past, the men don't whistle nor touch the girls. they lower their head and their "wings" cover their head. this connotes that they are pure and virginal, however they are the opposite.
The handmaids have to go around in twos because they are not trusted to go anywhere on their own because they might try and run away.
they also have rules and regulations of which they have to follow.
Chapter 5: The wives are well respected, and they long to become pregnant.
The society is broken because there are too many choices to be made.
Chapter 6: The handmaids have to follow rules and regulations i.e they are not allow to go on the trains bridges nor rivers. They are not trusted to go anywhere on their own therefore, they have to go everywhere in pairs, they have to walk everywhere, moreover they are known to the whole world and society as being "handmaids".
They are none to have no feelings and they are broken because the wives treat them so badly.
They are frowned upon and they have to do what they at told, in addition they can only go down a few routes. The handmaids lives are structured and very ordered.
**Anarchy: Government controlled.
**Theocracy: God.
Description and purpose of a verb:
A verb is a doing or a being word and they can be in different tenses=> past, present or future.
Continuous verb: 'ing' words i.e: walking, running.
Modal verbs.
Conditional verbs: i.e: couldn't, shouldn't, wouldn't.
Transitive and intransitive verbs:
Intransitive verbs only have a subject i.e: he runs, she swims, they sleep.
Transitive verbs have a subject and a direct object i.e: she eats an apple.
Analysis of chapters 2-6.
Chapter 2: the quote "white curtains" connote purity and innocence and virginity moreover, this is a juxtaposition of what the handmaids are, the handmaids are not virginal nor pure.
"red" the handmaids wear red denotes love, Passion lust, and sexual activity (fertility), the handmaids wear red because they are fertile therefore, they have periods.
The commander wear black connoting that they are in charge and in control.
The wives wear blue connoting that they are calm.
The Martha's wear greens.
Handmaids wear red.
The econowives wear 3 colours: red, blue and green connoting that they are fertile therefore, they can reproduce and that they are wives to men.
"waste not want not. I am not being wasted. Why do I want?
This quote connotes that the handmaids fertility is not being wasted and the fact that they can have babies is a good thing. It also suggests that the Handmaid is willing to use her fertility to give the family a baby instead of her fertility going to "waste".
If they do not become handmaids they go to colonies, where it is polluted.
The Handmaids have circumstances because they are fertile.
The handmaids names are linked to the commanders names, the commander own the handmaids.
Chapter 3: "Sometimes the maid sits in the garden" the wife enjoys her garden and her own company, moreover a garden is a place where children play and have fun, therefore, the wives may dream and think about when they have children. the wives are possessive, intimidating and they make the handmaids feel uncomfortable and threatened. The wives are territorial.
Chapter 4 "girls are not allowed to talk to men".
The girls look at the floor when men walk past, the men don't whistle nor touch the girls. they lower their head and their "wings" cover their head. this connotes that they are pure and virginal, however they are the opposite.
The handmaids have to go around in twos because they are not trusted to go anywhere on their own because they might try and run away.
they also have rules and regulations of which they have to follow.
Chapter 5: The wives are well respected, and they long to become pregnant.
The society is broken because there are too many choices to be made.
Chapter 6: The handmaids have to follow rules and regulations i.e they are not allow to go on the trains bridges nor rivers. They are not trusted to go anywhere on their own therefore, they have to go everywhere in pairs, they have to walk everywhere, moreover they are known to the whole world and society as being "handmaids".
They are none to have no feelings and they are broken because the wives treat them so badly.
They are frowned upon and they have to do what they at told, in addition they can only go down a few routes. The handmaids lives are structured and very ordered.
**Anarchy: Government controlled.
**Theocracy: God.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Handmaids tale Chapter summary 1-5
In the first chapter the narrator describes how all the women slept in a gymnasium in army cots. Elizabeth patrol the site with weapons but not guns, and the women, are not allowed to speak out loud so they whisper without distracted them and without getting the guards attention. Everyday the women would be allowed to walk around the old football field which was not surrounded by a silver meter chain. There were armed guards outside whom were not allowed inside unless they were called to do so. Moreover this chapter goes into quite a lot of depth about how the characters communicated (they could lip read) this connotes that lip reading was there only form of communication.
In the second chapter the story changes tense. They now live in a place where there are no curtains and the windows do not open fully so that they cannot escape moreover the one picture that hangs on the wall has no glass to cover it. The picture is of flowers (flowers are allowed
In the second chapter the story changes tense. They now live in a place where there are no curtains and the windows do not open fully so that they cannot escape moreover the one picture that hangs on the wall has no glass to cover it. The picture is of flowers (flowers are allowed
.) all the Handmaids where red, the house servants "Martha's" wear green uniforms and the wives wear blue uniforms. servants are not allowed to form relationships nor bonds with the house wives. tokens are used to purchase items : Each token has an image of what will be purchased "eggs, cheese and steak"
3: The Commander’s Wife has a garden, and she knits all the time. All the Wives knit scarves “for the Angels at the front lines,” but the Commander’s Wife is very skilled. On the first day, her new mistress told her to stay out of her sight as much as possible, and to avoid making trouble. Then the Wife reminded her that the Commander is her husband, always and forever. “It’s one of the things we fought for,” she said, looking away.
4: Offred notices Nick a Guardian of the Faith washing the Commander’s car. Nick lives on top of the garage. The Handmaids always travel in pairs when outside.
3: The Commander’s Wife has a garden, and she knits all the time. All the Wives knit scarves “for the Angels at the front lines,” but the Commander’s Wife is very skilled. On the first day, her new mistress told her to stay out of her sight as much as possible, and to avoid making trouble. Then the Wife reminded her that the Commander is her husband, always and forever. “It’s one of the things we fought for,” she said, looking away.
4: Offred notices Nick a Guardian of the Faith washing the Commander’s car. Nick lives on top of the garage. The Handmaids always travel in pairs when outside.
They reach a checkpoint with two young Guardians. The Guardians serve as a routine police force. They are men too young, too old, or just generally unfit for the army. (not the norm) Young guardians can be dangerous because they are usually nervous than older guards. These young Guardians recently shot a Martha as she fumbled for her pass, because they thought she was a man in disguise carrying a bomb. The Guardians can only hope to become Angels, when they will be allowed to take a wife and perhaps eventually get a Handmaid. This denotes the first time in the novel we hear the word “Handmaid” used.
5. We learn the name of this new society: “The Republic of Gilead.” Now no one whistles at women as they walk; no one touches them or talks to them. The women shop at stores known by names like All Flesh and Milk and Honey. Pictures of meat or fruit mark the stores, rather than lettered signs, because “they decided that even the names of shops were too much temptation for us.” The tourists want to take a photograph, but Offred refuses
Handmaids tale Section headings 19th September 2010
The section headings in Handmaids tale are short and concise; therefore, they are only a couple of words or even less. These headings make the audience wonder what significance these words might have. "Night, Soul scrolls, Birth Day". personally these words seem very abstract and and they are not words that I would use on a day to day basis which gives the impression that the book may have a twist to it. The short effective headings lure the reader in and it makes them want to read on. From the first chapter you can tell that this book is well written and it has a lot of meaning to it.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Handmaids Tale questions 9th September 2010
What is the Bible?
The Bible is a holy book in which Christians believe in, moreover it has two sections: the old testament and the new testament The book consists of the rights and wrongs i.e the ten commandments.
How has/does the Bible influence the lives of people?
The Bible influences people by telling them what to do and what not to do. this is done through force and fear: force: people think that there is someone with a greater power whom sees everything they do.
Does this quotation offer a sound model for a happy life?
This quotation is very biased because it does not consist of the Maid and how she feels about having sex with Jacob and giving birth to Rachel ad Jacob's children. However Rachel and Jacob will be happy because they will get what they want.
Does Rachel present a reasonable argument?
Rachel does present a reasonable argument in some ways because Jacob having sex with the maid and the maid giving birth to their children would be a quick and efficient way for Rachel and Jacob to have children. However the Maid is unaware about what is going on and she might not want to got through with this, but she may have to if she wants to keep her job. In addition Rachel may get protective over the children once they are born and she might fire the Maid therefore, the maid has a very difficult decision to make.
Are the feelings of all participants explored?
All the participants feelings are not explored: Jacob and the Maid's are not considered.
Rachel has just assumed that the maid will agree to this suggestion, this connotes that Rachel is confident that she has the upper hand and that she is in control of the maid. Moreover the Maid doesn't really have a choice in the matter because if she says no she ricks losing her job and if she agrees she might get accused of sleeping around and she still may lose her job due to her being the third adult in Rachel and Jacob's marriage. In addition; Rachel is assuming that Jacob with have sex with the maid, Rachel doesn't actually ask him if he minds. Rachel's feelings are the only ones that are considered to a great extent which connotes that she is determined to get her way.

The Bible is a holy book in which Christians believe in, moreover it has two sections: the old testament and the new testament The book consists of the rights and wrongs i.e the ten commandments.
How has/does the Bible influence the lives of people?
The Bible influences people by telling them what to do and what not to do. this is done through force and fear: force: people think that there is someone with a greater power whom sees everything they do.
Does this quotation offer a sound model for a happy life?
This quotation is very biased because it does not consist of the Maid and how she feels about having sex with Jacob and giving birth to Rachel ad Jacob's children. However Rachel and Jacob will be happy because they will get what they want.
Does Rachel present a reasonable argument?
Rachel does present a reasonable argument in some ways because Jacob having sex with the maid and the maid giving birth to their children would be a quick and efficient way for Rachel and Jacob to have children. However the Maid is unaware about what is going on and she might not want to got through with this, but she may have to if she wants to keep her job. In addition Rachel may get protective over the children once they are born and she might fire the Maid therefore, the maid has a very difficult decision to make.
Are the feelings of all participants explored?
All the participants feelings are not explored: Jacob and the Maid's are not considered.
Rachel has just assumed that the maid will agree to this suggestion, this connotes that Rachel is confident that she has the upper hand and that she is in control of the maid. Moreover the Maid doesn't really have a choice in the matter because if she says no she ricks losing her job and if she agrees she might get accused of sleeping around and she still may lose her job due to her being the third adult in Rachel and Jacob's marriage. In addition; Rachel is assuming that Jacob with have sex with the maid, Rachel doesn't actually ask him if he minds. Rachel's feelings are the only ones that are considered to a great extent which connotes that she is determined to get her way.

Handmaids Tale epigraphs explained
The novel starts off with 3 epigraphs.
An epigraph is a phrase, poem or quote at the beginning of a written piece of work or chapter.
"And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister, and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die. And Jacob's anger was kindled against Rachel; and he said, Am I in God's stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb? And she said, Behold my maid Bilhah, go in unto her; and she shall bear upon my knees, that I many also have children by her". - Genesis 30:1-3
Jacob asks Rachel whether he is the reason why she can't have children and if he is denying her children "the fruit of his womb". Although Jacob doesn't have any intentions of being mean and horrible he does come across to be selfish. Moreover Jacob asks whether he has the powers to make Rachel pregnant "am I in Gods stead", therefore he is not in control of if and when Rachel becomes and gets pregnant.
Back then it was a patriarchal society and it was seen as normal for men to have sex with their slaves. Rachel is jealous of her sister whom has children and Rachel will go to any extents to get children of her own, even allowing her husband to sleep with the maid.
Moreover the epigraph is from the Bible and the bible clearly quotes " thou shall not commit adultery". Therefore, the quote is contradicting itself by allowing the husband to sleep with his maid. Although Rachel is giving consent to the whole idea it is still seen as wrong due to her husband having sex with another women. This connotes that Rachel is willing to go against the Bible and the ten commandments to get children.
In addition Rachel is using emotional blackmail on Jacob by saying that she will die if he doesn't give her children "Give me children, or else I die". Jacob may feel bad and therefore go an sleep with the maid so that he does not loose his wife.
2. "In the deserts there is not sign that says "thou shall not eat stones" sufi proverb.
This quote connotes that people will not eat stones because they find it wrong however what is considered to be "wrong"?
There is not sign however people see it as unnatural and it is not normal to eat stones.
An epigraph is a phrase, poem or quote at the beginning of a written piece of work or chapter.
"And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister, and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die. And Jacob's anger was kindled against Rachel; and he said, Am I in God's stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb? And she said, Behold my maid Bilhah, go in unto her; and she shall bear upon my knees, that I many also have children by her". - Genesis 30:1-3
Jacob asks Rachel whether he is the reason why she can't have children and if he is denying her children "the fruit of his womb". Although Jacob doesn't have any intentions of being mean and horrible he does come across to be selfish. Moreover Jacob asks whether he has the powers to make Rachel pregnant "am I in Gods stead", therefore he is not in control of if and when Rachel becomes and gets pregnant.
Back then it was a patriarchal society and it was seen as normal for men to have sex with their slaves. Rachel is jealous of her sister whom has children and Rachel will go to any extents to get children of her own, even allowing her husband to sleep with the maid.
Moreover the epigraph is from the Bible and the bible clearly quotes " thou shall not commit adultery". Therefore, the quote is contradicting itself by allowing the husband to sleep with his maid. Although Rachel is giving consent to the whole idea it is still seen as wrong due to her husband having sex with another women. This connotes that Rachel is willing to go against the Bible and the ten commandments to get children.
In addition Rachel is using emotional blackmail on Jacob by saying that she will die if he doesn't give her children "Give me children, or else I die". Jacob may feel bad and therefore go an sleep with the maid so that he does not loose his wife.
2. "In the deserts there is not sign that says "thou shall not eat stones" sufi proverb.
This quote connotes that people will not eat stones because they find it wrong however what is considered to be "wrong"?
There is not sign however people see it as unnatural and it is not normal to eat stones.
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