Sunday 5 June 2011

Gang rape re cast task.

Recast task as a speech to a student audience at a girls school aimed at raising awareness of Gang Rape. (spoken, inform, teenage female audience).

I am extremely pleased to see such a high turnover in todays assembly, regarding the issues of gang rape.

There is a fine line between agreeing to have sex with one person and being gang raped by several people. A gang is a group of people bonded together, either by race, culture, territory, even age. But who gives the gangs the power to violate and gang rape a individual? Rape is where one individual does not consent to having sex however is forced to do so by dominant others, gang rape is where two or people people force a person to have sex with them. People who commit the awful crime of rape do not see it as ‘rape’ however as pleasure for themselves.

5% of all gang rapes happen to girls aged between 14-18, it is one in a hundred girls who are victims, although that does not sound like a significant amount of people, it is.

Girls, I know the following pointers may seem obvious, and you may feel like I am babbling on, but seriously girls you need to be careful with who you associate yourself’s with :

First of all, do not talk to strangers no matter what the situation,

be weary of people who act dodgy or too nice especially people of the opposite sex,

do not give people the benefit of the doubt even if they seem genuine,

the act of rape can occur to anyone of us females, however we have to take care of where we go, for example; a well educated sixteen year old girl was walking home from seeing her friends, she walks the same route five days a week, and on this particular day.. BAM.. she got raped and not just raped, gang raped.

What did she do wrong? Walk home.. that is all she did.

That is all I have time for today, but I hope this has helping you girls gain some information on gang rape.

Thank you all for listening.

Commentary :

The opening few sentences are used because they are stereotypically found in a speech, it consists of the topic which is going to be spoken about. The capital lettered word is used to add significance and emphasis, which enhances the innocence of the girl who was a victim of gang rape.

The example is used to emphasis that rape can occur to any individual, no matter what their race or age. In addition the example is used to make the audience interact with the topic and therefore engage themselves to the situation of which the girl finds herself in. The pronoun ‘you’ is used once again to engage the audience and to emphasis that they are the girls who are in danger of being a victim of gang rape.

I have chosen to place a statistic within the speech; merely, because the audience (girls) is more likely to listen to facts rather then the speaker talking about their own opinion.

Thursday 19 May 2011

James Bulger

Using information drawn from the whole text, produce the opening voiceover to a TV documentary entitled 'Venables and Thompson : Monsters or Children?'. You should adapt the text and write about 300 words. (Spoken; Voiceover; Entertain/Inform; Mass Audience)

Jon Venables.

Robert Thompson.

These two ten year old boys thought that it would be interesting to abduct, torture and murder a two year old boy.

The children refused to admit to their actions and denied it all, however after direct reinsurance from his parents that they ‘loved them’ the boys finally admitted to this horrific murder. Jon told the justice team that Robert instigated the whole situation and he just went along with him.

This documentary will take you in to the thoughts of the boys parents and the ideologies of whether the murderers are ‘Monsters or Children’.

This whole case has bought a whole new level of fear for parents globally especially british citizens.

This fear was emphasised by the age of the boys, they are the youngest murderers. People do not know how to react, whether or not to view the boys as heartless killers, or as ignorant children.

How can two ten year olds have this effect on society? Surely they should be known as monsters?

The parents mentioned that a specific film influenced the actions of Jon and Robert, and therefore they were not entirely to blame.

Are they ‘Monsters or Children’?

No one has the right to take another persons life in any sort of way, nor is it justifiable that two ten year olds felt the need to abduct, torture and murder a two year old boy, despite their age. James Bulgar was completely innocent in the scenario.... so why did the two boys choose to torture him? Monsters?

Commentary : I chose to speak in third person because I wanted the audience to make up there own mind as to whether they are 'Monsters or Children', therefore no personal opinions are within the documentary. Documentaries are mostly factual therefore they do not require personal opinions. The use of the rhetorical questions is used to interact the audience with the documentary, I wanted the audience to feel involved and therefore to make them able enough to make a decision on whether the two boys are 'Monsters or Children'

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Justice At Night - Adaptation

Justice At Night

Using relevant information from the whole text, imagine you are Joe and produce your own diary entry for that night, writing the next day. You should adapt the text and write about 300 words. (Written, Diary; Describe/Explain; Personal)

I wish we hadn’t of even bought the car, it is a piece of junk and a waste of money.

The two men who gave us a lift seemed nice enough, after all they did offer to drop us off to our destination for free of charge. They seemed nice until one of them mentioned that they were attending a lynching. I’ve never been to a lynching and therefore I had no idea of what to expect, I’ve read about them and even heard about them and I am totally against the idea of setting a person a light.

I drank the corn drink because they offered it to me, I was none the wiser to question what it was. It tasted disgusting, it felt like I was drinking fire; however, the two men found it hilarious at the fact that I coughed whilst drinking it.

We arrived at the lynching area at 15:00pm, we were tired, we just wanted to go to carry on with our traveling. The men greeted each other in a somewhat happy manner which is quite strange because a man was about to get lynched. They didn’t even have any proof of Hyacinth’s crime, they did not know if he had even committed a crime. I wanted to say something, but who was I? I was just as bad as the other onlookers. I couldn’t stop them, well I wouldn’t stop them.

“Please boss, I didn’t do it! PLEASE!” He shouted and exclaimed for his justice, but no one was willing to listen. After all a white woman is always going to be believed over a black person, it doesn’t matter whether or not justice has been served.

I hear that when I go to sleep at night, wondering whether he deserved to be lynched, whether I should of stuck up for him.

Commentary :

Within the extract I included a lot of Joe’s perspectives to ensure that the audience knew that it was him speaking about what had occurred the night before. The use of the personal pronouns ‘I’ and ‘I’ve’ emphasis that it is him talking and not his friend. I did not include an opening sentence, because I thought that it was irrelevant and by me going straight in to his experience the events would be more vibrant.

In addition the emotions included, were to ensure that we know what his feelings are towards the issue of lynching, and how he feels. “Please boss, I didn’t do it! PLEASE!” This quote has stayed with Joe and shows that he thinks that Hyacinth did not deserve the torture and lynching; however, he could not do anything.

In order to get the audience involved, I used a rhetorical question “but who was I?”, I wanted the audience to think about what they would do in the same situation and therefore whether or not they would of said something.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Interview with Christina Lamb

Write a section of an interview with Christina Lamb for a women's magazine, focusing on the 'double life' issue. You should adapt the source and write about 300 words, to come in the middle of the piece.

Christina Lamb : I do not feel that I am abandoning my child in any way (1.0) I am there for him when he needs me, I provide for him, I am there for him when he is ill, I am only a phone call away.

Interviewer : You claim to be there for your child, however your time is dominated by your work. Your husband has the pressure of looking after him. I know that you are a very successful and independent women, but seriously do you not think that your son deserves more attention?

Christina Lamb : Excuse me, are you trying to insinuate that I am a bad parent because I work? If so, I am a excellent parent, I provide my son with everything he needs.

Interviewer : Mrs. Lamb, I am sorry if I have offended you in any way. I am not assuming anything however, your work plays a very important role within your life, am I right?

Christina Lamb : Yes it does, I want to show women who have children that they can have a career and still be a good parent. I get such a thrill from my job, I love being in the heart of the action. I am the person who informs the world about day to day affairs about War, a job that most people can not handle.

Interviewer : I can personally say that you are a very strong women for doing your job. I could not do it. But do you not miss your family?

Christina Lamb : Of course I miss them, but I knew that I would have to spend days abroad when I took on the job. But I think that I am able to juggle my family life with my work life.

Interviewer : How can you juggle them both, if you spend more time working than you do with your own family. Surely your family is more important?

Christina Lamb : This is a question which I have no specific answer to. My work life means the world to me, I have reached my goal of becoming a successful war correspondent. But my son is my flesh and blood, he is a part of me, and he deserves my undivided attention 24/7. I would love to spend more time with my family, but that would mean spending less time working and that is not an option.

Monday 14 March 2011

Status and Society

Compare and contrast the ways in which Atwood in the the Handmaids tale and Chaucer in the Wife of Baths tale explore status in society.

Within the Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood, we see the institutions of Gilead through the eyes of Offred. The institutions are oppressive to women and they are based on an unyielding and authoritarian class system.
In the Wife of Bath we hear about her life story from her own personal perspective and views. The Wife lacks attractive physical feature and tries to compensate for this flaw by wearing fashionable clothing which she makes her self; moreover, the Wife gets pleasure from looking superior to her peers.The Wife of Bath wears bright red sticking whilst when she foes on Pilgramages, the red denotes a colour and connotes passion, desire, lust and promiscuity. " Hir hosen weren of fyn scarlet red ful striete yteyd, and shoes ful miste and newe". The pre modifier "scarlet: emphasises the shade of red worn, also the whole quote is in thrid person and for that motive someone is

Thursday 10 March 2011

Find examples

Sorority Row :
Synopsis : During a party in the Theta-Pi sorority house, the sister Megan plays a prank with her unstable boyfriend Garrett simulating an OD after using pills. Her sisters Jessica, Claire, Ellie, Cassidy and Garrett's sister Chugs suggest to dump her "body" in a lake and the stressed Garrett sticks the tire iron through the Megan's chest killing her. Cassidy decides to call the police, but the sisters are convinced to dispose the body in a shaft and keep in secret under the leadership of Jessica that blackmails Cassidy. Eight months later, in their graduation party, the sisters receive a creepy message with the picture of the tire iron in the beginning of a nightmarish night.
Women in this film are dominant and therefore in control within this movie over men. However this film ends with one of the girls boyfriend being the killer getting his revenge on the other girls. The girls get killed off one by one, starting with the less innocent ones. The whole idea that only the non virginal girls disappear first connoting that being a non virgin is a bad thing. The target audience demographic is aimed at teenagers to young adults. They are represented as college girls who like to party, drink and play pranks. The stereotypes are effective because it fits in with the typical/conventional college horror film. In addition, one horror convention used is the use of small communities. It is set on a college campus which is a small community with people that will be closely knit. It makes use of a lot of sound effects to build tension and the use of lots of different camera angles and shots, such as the use of a worms eye shot. Iconography of blood is used aswell as lots of special effects. This thriller movie represnets women to be split in to two sub categories, 1. virginal, innocent, worthy of living 2. non virginal, worthy of dying, too out going and hence a negative representation.

I know what you did last summer : Four teens are in great danger one year after their car hits a stranger whose body they dump in the sea.
This movie follows a group of teenagers who accidentally kill a man whilst driving around acting foolish. After a year we return to the teenagers lives in a high school. At this point the movie follows one of the teenage girls when she receives a note consisting of : 'i know what you did last summer'. being the innocent one and wanting to go to the police she is the last one to be targeted. Whereas her 'pretty-pagean queen' friend is the first to get targeted. This representation is quite a pessimistic perspective of 'pretty girls', and therefore, a positive perspective of innocent and virginal girls.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Script Homework

Location : A quiet patisserie
Two friends are out having late breakfast
Characters : Tom, Emma

Emma : (eating her croissant) We have not had a decent talk in ages, since you got married in fact, So how are things? How's work? How are your children? How is your wife?

Tom : What is with all the questions Emz? How about you answer all of them and I will answer them after (cocky manner and tone). Emma this may sound random but getting married is the best thing that I have ever done, you should get a wife (laughs)

Emma : (quickly swallows the food in her mouth and drink her tea, nearly choking on her croissant) Why Tom (in a suprised and astonished tone)

Tom : Having a wife is excellent. My wife is sensitive to my sexual needs, she does all the shopping, she picks up after me, she does not complain, who would someone not want a wife (sarcastically)

Emma : (in an abrupt manner) Excuse Tom, BUT a man should contribute

Tom : fair enough, but I work all day, I pay the bills, I pay for the clothes she wears, I keep a roof over her head. (sarcastically) She owes me

Emma : TOM what century are you living in....
Tom: it is
Emma (interuppting) do not even answer that. Your children are half yours and half your wifes responsibility, you should contribute

Tom : I do, I contribute financially (takes an animalistic bite in to his croissant, getting crumbs all over his lap)

Emma : Tom seriously.... eat like an human being. And this conversation is going no-where, you are hard headed, stubborn, narrow minded, and you do not give a toss about anyones feelings but yourself (drinks her tea) (gets up)

Tom : wait.... EM.... wait.... Can we talk about it?

Emma : NO, your perspectives and my perspectives are very different, you have made your views very clear GOOD DAY Tom(leaves abruptly)

Commentry : I chose to create a very calm, cool and collective which then turns in to a tense and un easy atmosphere. The two characters have very opposing views and perspectives which makes the radio piece interesting, it also gives it a flow (it moves the narrative along). I have used stage directions so it is very how the characters are speaking, although you can not see them eating or drinking you can hear them, hence this gets the audience involved. The article is based on "Why I want a wife" by Judy Syfers, I have used similar lexis choices such as the list of routines, to add emphasis on how Tom's wife actually does for him and the family.
Radio: Different voices : sarcastic, happy, surprised, angry,
They give the audience a chance to create their own story in their heads

Thursday 10 February 2011

Why I want a wife by Judy Syfers INCOMPLETE

What is satire
How is satire used in the text
Why is it used and to what effect

The word satire is an adjective which connotes sarcasm and ridicule.

In 'Why I want a wife' by Judy Syfers, satire is applied very effectively through the use of the wife speaking from a mans point of view and repetition. The idea that the wife is speaking from a males perspective is satirical in its self and she opens the article by representing stereotypical roles of a wife "I was ironing one evening" although she claims that she was ironing she may have included it to create a sense of satire and irony.

Also repetition is used throughout the article

starter : connotations

What are the connotations of these words?

Wife: married, in love, caring, housewife, domesticity, nagger, understanding, passion, ring, gossip.

Mother: children, loving, children's primary caregiver, married, caring

Husband: married, wife, works hard, breadwinner, adulterer, cheater, in control, dominant

Father: children, loving, business man

Women: single, free, business women, independent

Man: single, bachelor, messy, not married

Thursday 3 February 2011

The Bitch Manifesto Autobiography

I wonder who decided on categorising and stereotyping women who are physically tall, loud, harsh, awkward, to being 'bitches'

I am considered to be a bitch, not a human being or a female but a bitch, well I suppose I am a bitch, I can not deny being a Bitch. I am aggressive, assertive, strong headed, abrupt, but I have been made to be like this. It is not my choice to be a 'bitch' this is what I am and tough luck to who it bothers.

He is married, I know I shouldn't like him but I do. There is something about him, I think he likes me too, because I am a 'bitch' I can have him. I walk up to where he is sitting, it is a park bench, I sit down not caring how or where I place my legs.
I can hear him breathing heavily, I lean in and kiss him I know I should not but I am because I am a 'bitch'. He kisses me back but when he realises that I people are around he stops and pulls back.
I look at him, he looks away. I think he knows that I am a bitch. He is scared. I stand up and walk away like nothing has gone on, he watches me.

I have included the repetition of the possessive personal pronoun 'I' connoting that she is self centred, egoistic, domineering, obnoxious,. They represent who she is as a person.
I have also included loads of short sentences to create a sense of masculinity, dominance, tough, turbulent,. Because she is not like other women, she is a bitch, and is androgynous. She possesses more masculine traits.

The use of syndetic listing elongates her 'bitchiness' and that there are many reasons as to why she is a bitch

Sunday 23 January 2011

Cupcakes and Kalashnikovs

Write a magazine article for "Good Housekeeping" a magazine for women, in which you argue whether married women should work. 300-400words
Audience: Women who are married therefore the writing will need to be quite formal and maybe creating a conversational tone.

It should be up to the woman whether she works or if she does not. If the couple has offspring then the woman might want to consider staying at home until the children are able to fend for themselves, because offspring are dependent on their mother. But the father should help out the mother such as: doing the washing, cooking dinner, putting the children to sleep, cleaning up after the offspring, moreover all the things which 'used' to be a woman's duty and what she was expected to do.
Men should get involved with the children, women should not be expected to do everything but work.
In addition the offspring belong to both of the parents and therefore they should both spend equal amounts with them and doing things for them, the majority should not be put on to the women.
In 1964 when women were given 'allowances' by their husbands and they were not allowed to work because of the whole patriarchal society, women were dependent on their husbands for money and financial security. In addition if they worked they would have the right to spend the money they would earn on what they would, whether it be on their offspring or a new coat it would be there choice.
Why should women get burdened with all the children while the man get the privileges of going to work?? The woman needs a break from being at home all the time; going to work may give her the opportunity to get a break from the children and spend time on her own.
Women are not the property of their husbands and moreover they should not be treated like they are inferior and only only worthy to cook, clean, look after the offspring, and tidy up after the offspring.
Women should have the right of whether they want to work or stay at home it should not be down to society.